
2007-05-14 10:37 am
Would you excuse me?
Where’s the toilet?
Where’s the bathroom?
Where’s the rest room?
I need to go to bathroom.
I have to go.
Where can I wash my hands?

回答 (6)

2007-05-14 2:03 pm
✔ 最佳答案
If it's at a party or dinner, a lot of time people don't say aloud that they need to use the restroom. Often it would simply be, "Please excuse me for a moment, I'll be right back." "I need to step away for a moment" and it will be kind of understood. You can use these lines for using the restroom, making a phone call or smoking.

"I have to go" is not appropriate unless you are a kid. As an adult it could be misunderstood as you need to leave the party/meeting now and go somewhere else, and people mayart saying good bye to you. When you say "I need/have to go to the bathroom" it implies a sense of emergency.

If you are asking for directions to the restroom, then you can ask "where's the bathroom" if you are in a house, or "where is the restroom" if you are in a restaurant. In the latter you can also say "men's room". A polite way to say it, if you are in a fancy restaurant or an office, would be something like. "Excuse me, would you mind showing me the way to the ladies' room/men's room?" For ladies, an even classier way is to call it "the powder room", that is, you are going there to touch up on your make up instead of tending to a call from nature. You can use the term when you go to an expensive hotel/restaurant.

Toilet and lou can be used but are less polite, so it's better to use restroom/bathroom if you are not talking to friends.
2007-05-15 2:40 am
說法理應看倩況而言 ,
1. 若你所與朋友一起時 , 理應為 Excuse me , May I go to toilet
2. 而問路可以用 , Excuse me , could you show me where have a toilet approach.
參考: me
2007-05-14 11:51 am
1) I want to pee
2) I want to go take a shit
3) Can i piss here?
2007-05-14 11:43 am
如果你想說得文雅些可說 may I be excused ?.
另一個英式男士的說法是 I want to spend a penny. 不過就粗俗一點.
2007-05-14 11:16 am
如果你想和別人講我需要去洗手間,正确的說法應該是;I need to go to the bathroom。
2007-05-14 10:55 am
1. washroom
2. the lou


另外, nature's call 亦解作需要上洗手間

2007-05-14 02:57:55 補充:
唔好意思, 係 the loo, 唔係 the loualso, it should be nature 's call
參考: 自己

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