So what?和 Like what?的分別?

2007-05-12 5:26 am

回答 (3)

2007-05-12 9:46 pm
✔ 最佳答案

1) so what? 是很隨便的, 以致不大禮貌的用語, 的解釋如下:

so what? Informal. (an expression of disinterest, disinclination, or contempt.)

A: It's Jane's birthday, so let's .....
B: So what? (say this because B isn't interested in Jane's birthday)

A: It's wrong to smoke here, you know ....
B: So what? (say this because B doesn't care, or doesn't respect any rules)

2) like what? 也是常用的用語, 沒有不禮貌之意. 除了解比如說呢之外, 也可以用來表達是怎樣的呢? 互聯網上找到的一個例子:

Debt Free Looks Like What? (無債一身輕的感覺是如何的呢?)
by Myrna Giesbrecht

Description: Thoughts on what a life free from debt might look like.

2007-05-12 13:51:04 補充:
用互聯網打 like what 及 so what 去搜尋, 可以找到很多例子的.『記得要選擇全球網頁搜尋, 因香港網頁優先的話, 出來的結果未必合用』

2007-05-13 22:07:32 補充:
you re welcome
2007-05-12 5:32 am
So what means 那又如何
Like what means 似什麼
2007-05-12 5:32 am
I don't like this fruit, so what?

It taste something like what?

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