3句英文, 邊一句的句子比較合理

2007-05-11 8:13 am
1. Elderly people are being encouraged to practise tai chi after a study showed it can reduce their chances of falling and suffering an injury.

2. Elderly people are being encouraged to practise tai chi after a study showed it can reduce the chance of falling and suffering an injury.

3. Elderly people are being encouraged to practise tai chi after a study showed it can reduce their chance of falling and suffering an injury.

第一句英文好似有問題, 但講唔出邊度錯咗

回答 (5)

2007-05-11 8:36 am
✔ 最佳答案

因為, 第一同第三句嘅後半part出現在THEIR CHANCES vs AN INJURY..
而且, 唔系「佢地 - THEIR」, 而應該系 「THE CHANCE」.

2007-05-11 00:40:50 補充:
第一句 : THEIR CHANCES vs AN INJURY.. 後面系單數, 但前面唔系第三句 : 同上, 而且, THEIR CHANCE又無(S)尾, 更錯呢~~

2007-05-11 00:41:45 補充:
「THE CHANCE」指系「這個可能性」, 所以應該用「THE CHANCE」.

2007-05-11 00:59:14 補充:
參考: my knowledge
2007-05-17 2:36 am
As a study showed that Tai Chi can reduce the chance of suffering injuries from falls , the eldery are encouraged to do /take/practise it .
2007-05-12 6:16 am
After a recent study has shown that Tai Chi can reduce the chance of injuries from falls, the elderly / elderly people are being encouraged to practise/do this excercise .

2007-05-11 22:38:12 補充:
原句誤將falling and suffering an injury 當作兩件事來描述( 即跌倒與受傷), 估計其原意想說 : 可以減低老人家因跌倒而受傷 ( i.e. injuries from falls ) .
2007-05-11 9:51 am
第一句是沒有問題,這是 「chance」一個特別的用法。

用下是摘錄自「Collins Cobuild English Usage, 1993 Ed, page 127」
"chances "

You can talk about someone's "chances of doing" something. For example, if someone will probably achieve something, you can say that their "chances of achieving" it are good.

What are your "chances of becoming" a director?
Single women have relatively equal "chances of achieving" white-collar work.

Note that you do not talk about someone's "chances to achieve" something.

所以可以用「their chances of falling and suffering an injury」。
2007-05-11 8:46 am
Elderly people are encouraged to do more "Tai Chi". Doing more, people can reduce the chance of falling and having an injury

老人家是受鼓勵多做太極. 因可減低他們趺倒和受傷機會

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