
2007-05-11 5:06 am
We at SquareSound Forums would like to wish you a happy birthday today!

We would like to wish you a happy birthday at SquareSound Forums today!

回答 (5)

2007-05-11 5:11 am
✔ 最佳答案
We at SquareSound Forums would like to wish you a happy birthday today!

The grammar in this sentence is wrong.
It should be-
We, at SquareSound Forums would like to wish you a happy birthday today!

The second sentence is also correct.


We wish you a merry christmas....(same pattern)
2007-05-11 7:45 am
雖然第二句用 We would like to wish..... 開頭係句子結構上冇錯,但係通用文法上 (common grammar)係有啲唔妥,因為若果祝福人,只需講 I wish, 例如:恭喜發財會講成 I wish you fortune! 而 I would like to 通常係用作一種客套既問候語形式,例如:I would like to ask you if..... or I would like to know how.... 等等。

We, at SquareSound Forums, wish you a happy birthday today!
其實呢句咁樣寫法,係用咗兩個independence clauses合埋一齊,兩句獨立來睇,應該係咁:
1. We wish you a happy birthday today!
2. We are at SquareSound Forums today.

P.S. 用independence clauses / phases 來寫作,層次會較為高級。
參考: 一個曾留學美國的香港人
2007-05-11 5:29 am
We at SquareSound Forums would like to wish you a happy birthday today!

The grammar in this sentence is wrong.
It should be-
We, at SquareSound Forums would like to wish you a happy birthday today!

The second sentence is also correct.
2007-05-11 5:21 am
I think it is better to say :
We wish you a happy birthday at SquareSound Forums today !
We all wish you a happy birthday at SquareSound Forums today !
We all at SquareSound Forums wish you a happy birthday today !
注意 : 以上三句的意思係有所不同的 .
2007-05-11 5:10 am
we would like to wish you happy birthday at squaresound forums today

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