857天與時並進:TRAFFIC TRAGEDY 標題怎譯?及聞中問字解?

2007-05-10 2:40 pm
A seven-year-old boy riding a bicycle was knocked down 撞倒 and killed by a private car in Tseung Kwan O this afternoon. The driver of the vehicle fled 逃避 the scene 現場 and police arrested another man who tried to cover (cover 怎解?) for (for 解為/代?) him,

claiming 宣稱 he was at the wheel (at the wheel 怎解?) at the time of the crash (crash 解撞擊?). This is the second time in a month that a young cyclist has been knocked down by a vehicle in the area, and residents have raised serious concerns about road safety.


The above English was written from ATV Main News at 19:30. You may revise it if you like. Thanks.

回答 (1)

2007-05-10 5:25 pm
✔ 最佳答案

A seven-year-old boy riding a bicycle was knocked down and killed by a private car in Tseung Kwan O this afternoon. The driver of the vehicle fled the scene and police arrested another man who tried to cover for him,

今日下午於將軍澳, 當一個7歲的男孩駕駛着單車時被一輛私家車撞倒, 期後死亡. 私家車的司機立刻逃離現場而警方則拘捕一名嘗試頂包的男子.
note - [tried to cover for him = 想幫個司機頂罪]

claiming he was at the wheel at the time of the crash.This is the second time in a month that a young cyclist has been knocked down by a vehicle in the area, and residents have raised serious concerns about road safety.

他聲稱當車禍發生時(at the time of the crash)他正駕着車(at the wheel). 這次是一個月內第2宗在同一地方年青單車手被車輛撞倒的事故. 附近的居民已提高對道路安全的警覺性.

note-[當車禍發生時(at the time of the crash)]
[正駕着車(at the wheel)]
參考: myself!

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