856天與時並進:THEME PARK NIGHTMARE 標題怎譯?及聞中問字解?

2007-05-10 6:43 am
We start tonight with a holiday nightmare at a theme park 主題公園 in Japan, where a woman was killed and 21 others were imjured in a roller coaster 過山車 crash 墜毀. Travelling (Travelling 怎解?運行?) at a speed of 75 kilometres an hour, the ride (ride 怎解? 指過山車?) flew off (flew off 怎解?) the tracks 軌道 and crashed into a barrier (barrier 怎解?), flinging 拋落 terrified 恐懼的 revellers 狂歡者 to the ground.

The above English was written from ATV Main News at 19:30.
You may revise it if you like. Thanks.

回答 (2)

2007-05-10 7:01 am
✔ 最佳答案

直譯為: 主題公園中的惡夢

2) travelling?

此字不單止解一個人去旅行, 也可用來表達任何物體移動或前進 (i.e. going / moving)
以下是 yahoo 字典例子:

2. (光,聲音等)行進,傳導[Q]Light travels faster than sound.光的速度比聲音快。

4. 【口】快速前進,飛馳5. 移動,(眼睛)掃視Her eyes traveled over the scene.她雙目掃視了一下這個場面。
3) the ride flew off? ... barrier?

此處的 ride 不是動詞, 是名詞 (注意 the), 可作載人的工具, (當然包括車、馬、過山車...), 突然抽/飛離原軌... barrier 是障礙物., 應是指那阻停了過山車的東西.

2007-05-11 18:20:42 補充:
thanks for your selection!
2007-05-10 7:03 am

Travelling at = 全程以
the ride = 過山車
flew off the tracks = 出軌
and crashed into a barrier = 碰撞了入障礙

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