✔ 最佳答案
1) restructuring (of) the government?
將一個句子的某部分獨立抽離來看, 有時反做成混淆.
將文法規則強記或過份簡單化, 也會引起學習困難.
A: So expensive....
B: What's so expensive?
A: Changing a new car is expensive.
B: Yes, but you really need to change a new car.
A: No, too expensive.
B: Well, I guess the first thing you need is a change of heart.
A: So important ...
B: What's so important?
A: Restructuring the government is important.
B: The Chief Executive needs to restructure the government to a great extent.
A: What do you mean?
B: I mean, a major restructuring of the governement is important.
2) heritage conservation?
heritage 直譯可作遺產的意思.
此處應是指文化保育工作, 例如大澳, 如何發展此地的旅遊業之餘, 可兼顧保存它的文化傳統特色呢?
3) commitment to?
你是否覺得名詞之後要用 of 來配合才對?
A: Where did you put down the answer?
B: The answer of mine is there.
A: Ok, got it, but the answer (your answer) to the question is wrong.
A: Did he make any commitment?
B: Whose commitment?
A: The commitment of Donald Tsang.
B: What is his commitment about?
A: I'm talking about his commitment to universal suffrage.
直譯是: 曾司長為自己對於全民普選的承諾作出辯護.
1. 託付,交託;委任[U]2. 下獄;收監[U]3. 關進精神病院[U]4. 承諾,保證;承擔的義務[U][C][(+to)]I felt I did not have to make such a commitment to them.我覺得我沒有必要對他們作出那樣的承諾。5. 信奉;支持;獻身[U][C][(+to)]My aunt has a sincere commitment to Buddhism.我姑媽篤信佛教。6. 犯罪,罪行[U][C]commitment of infanticide殺嬰
2007-05-07 15:53:50 補充:
或作:曾司長為自己 曾經對於全民普選作出過的承諾 作出辯護.