853天與時並進:FALLOUT 標題怎譯?及聞中問字解?

2007-05-05 3:22 am
We start tonight with the fallout in Macau after a policeman fired live rounds (live rounds 怎解?) in the air to control a violent mob 暴民 during yesterday’s Labour Day protest. Police confirmed today

回答 (1)

2007-05-05 4:07 am
✔ 最佳答案
fallout 在這裏是指:餘波
round在裏是指:子彈 而live round就是真子彈
這是英文的idiomatic use(慣用),好像:
在文法上I caught his collar.是沒有錯的,但英文習慣會說:I caught him by his collar.
I hit his face但英文習慣會說I hit him on his face.
因為a passer-by on a motorcycle was shot in the neck是被動語,若寫主動語,就會成為 Someone shot a passer-by on a motorcycle in the neck
這裏的they're not saying是進行式,意思是:沒說出(are not你可以看作do not同,之不過進行式要用be not +ing)

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