網絡高手請進 - 封鎖對方I.P

2007-05-04 8:10 am

The buddy who wrote Englhis seems to be contradiction in his last para " should be changed to "cannot" not/not "can block". Am I correct ?

回答 (3)

2007-05-04 11:36 am
✔ 最佳答案
我唔係高手 不過都答到你既
一般家用IP有分floating同fixed fixed既意思係IP跟住張Lan卡(由ISP分配)
floating就係每次連線都會分配個新既IP 係依個情況 封IP只係封到一般fixed IP
floating就重新連線可以解封 但其實fixed做d步驟都可以轉到IP(不在討論範圍)
第度上網封IP都無用 只可以封帳號
參考: Personal Exp.
2007-05-06 9:56 pm

2007-05-04 3:46 pm
If you are in a network, your computer IP address is dynamically assigned by the router, usaully using DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol). Your computer IP address may be It may change the next time you login to the network.

When you are connected to the intenet, your computer IP address is not visible by the web site you visit. What the web site know is the IP address of your network, which is provided by the internet service provider. If your network has 3 computers, no matter which one you use to connect to the internet, the web site will see the same IP address, that is the IP address of your network. This network IP address seldom changes. Therefore, a web site can block a visitor by detecting his IP address.

2007-05-04 07:50:45 補充:
在另一地方上網又有何分別,能封鎖否If that belongs a different network, the web site cannot blcok it. If he does something bad, the web site can block that IP address too the next time.

2007-05-04 14:33:08 補充:
The first time a person goes to a web site, it will not block him of course.If someone goes to another network and does something bad, the web site will know the IP address and will block him the NEXT time he visits the site again.

2007-05-04 14:34:00 補充:
There is software that can hide the IP address and works like a counter-blocking tool.

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