845天與時並進:DEEP TROUBLE 標題怎譯?及聞中問字解?

2007-04-27 5:10 pm
A busy part of Central was thrown into chaos today after a section 部份 of road suddenly caved in 塌落, injuring three people. Five road-side stalls 路邊檔位 were sucked into (sucked into 怎解?) the three-metre deep hole

that opened up (opened up 怎解?) near a construction site on Li Yuen Street East. Two of the injured are in stable condition and a third (為何不是 the third?) is still being treated in hospital as investigators try to find out what caused the ground to give way (give way 怎解?).


The above English was written from ATV Main News at 19:30. You may revise it if you like. Thanks.


回答者 :三杉淳 [博士級 1 級] 回答時間:2007-04-27 10:14:38 檢舉 Deep Trouble: 通常譯作很大的麻煩,但 deep 其實在這裡是寓意地埳做成的洞穴很深,但中文卻很難傳神地譯出來。 Sucked into: 吸進,形容東西掉進地埳做成的洞穴時的一刹那,好像被吸塵機吸入一樣。


Opened up: 打開,路面裂開。 A third: 這裡是省略了一個字,應該是 a thrid (injured)。前面講了 two of the injured,a third 是第三位傷者,因為是 singular,所以是 a third。 Give way: 讓位,騰出空間;what caused the ground to give way: 什麼原因做成路面下埳。

回答 (2)

2007-04-27 6:14 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Deep Trouble: 通常譯作很大的麻煩,但 deep 其實在這裡是寓意地埳做成的洞穴很深,但中文卻很難傳神地譯出來。
Sucked into: 吸進,形容東西掉進地埳做成的洞穴時的一刹那,好像被吸塵機吸入一樣。
Opened up: 打開,路面裂開。
A third: 這裡是省略了一個字,應該是 a thrid (injured)。前面講了 two of the injured,a third 是第三位傷者,因為是 singular,所以是 a third。
Give way: 讓位,騰出空間;what caused the ground to give way: 什麼原因做成路面下埳。
2007-04-27 6:32 pm
"deep trouble" 是一句很平常用的英語, 一個人"in deep trouble" 就是 "有很大的麻煩". 這裡是用來作為中環地陷新聞的標題, 有雙關意思, 可以寫成: 地陷成"深"洞. 中環亂紛紛
sucked into --- suck 是"吸". 這裡是說攤子掉進洞裡, 好像是被一股力量吸下去似的, 是形象化的形容.
opened up----- 這個動詞的主語是"hole"(洞), 是說"打開"了一個洞, 雖然英文用這個動詞, 但中文譯為"出現"比較好.
a third--- 如果說 the third, 就很強調這人是"第三個", 而暗示它有一些事情和第一和第二個是不同的. 在這裡, 重點不是說第三個人比起之前兩個有什麼特別, 只是說 "有一個人要留院, 而踫巧他是第三個入院的人而已. "
give way -------可以解"讓步", 用在死物上, 如建築物, 可以解"倒塌, 塌陷"

2007-04-27 10:43:31 補充:
補充關於a third這句可以這樣理解: 有一個人(a person) 要留院, 這個人是第三個(the third)傷者即是: a person, who was the third, 簡而言之就是 a third (person).

2007-04-27 10:49:49 補充:
再看以下例句的不同解釋:He broke down when he failed the third time.這人第三次失敗時精神崩潰 (暗示第一和第二次失敗沒有崩潰)He broke down when he failed a third time. 這人經歷了三次失敗, 精神崩潰 (強調經歷了三次失敗, 可是沒有指明是第三次使他崩潰)

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