
2007-04-26 3:47 am
知唔知道harpsichord同pipe organ係orchestra入面位置呀?

回答 (1)

2007-04-26 10:36 am
✔ 最佳答案
For modern orchestra when harpsichord is not the major role, it may locate between 2nd violin section and percussion section.
Baroque setting is that the harpsichord locate at the middle front of the whole orchestra because the harpsichordist will also act as conductor / leader of the orchestra.
Pipe organ will always far back behing the whole orchestra. A pipe organ is non-removable, like the one you can see in HK Cultural Centre. A pipe organ player would not often see the conductor since he/she is sitting reversely at the back, far back and higher position (maybe 10-feet higher).

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