"A and B have a car." 的意思是:

2007-04-24 6:52 am
"A and B have a car." 的意思是:

(1) A和B共同擁有一輛車。
(2) A和B各自擁有一輛車。
(3) (1)和(2)都可以。

回答 (4)

2007-04-25 12:54 am
✔ 最佳答案
其實both A and B,跟A and B的意思上是沒有分別,以下我引用一段文字:
"both A and B" 意思是:A 並且 B。
※ (1) A與B要同一類型;
(2) 同樣著重A及B;
(3) 單單 "and" 本已足夠,"both" 加強語氣。
例如: We both love and honor him.
Both you and I are students.
He is both a soldier and a poet.
如果"A and B have a car"是指A和B共同擁有一輛車的話,那麼以下的句子又怎解釋呢?His father and mother died five years ago.是否指他父親和母親五前一同死去。很明顯這句是他父母五年前死去,並沒有指出是一同死去。又:Peter and Mary are studying in University.都不是指他們在同一間大學裏讀書,而是指他們都讀大學所以, A and B have a car,是指A和B都有一輛車(同不同一部,就不得而知)我再引用【A University Grammar of English】對"and"的用法的其中之一的解釋: When a subject consists of two or more noun phrases coordinatedby and, a distinction has to be made between appositional and non-appositional coordination. Under non-appositionalcoordination we include cases that can be treated as an impliedreduction of two clauses. These have a verb in the plural: Tom and Mary are now ready(←→Tom is now ready and Mary is nowready) What I say and What I think are my own affair(←→What I say is...and What I think is...) 所以,你的”A and B have a car"可以看成:A has a car and B has a car.可參考以下網站:http://www.npc.edu.hk/staff/~ngtungying/english_grammar/

2007-04-24 17:53:24 補充:
若你想說,A和B共同擁有一輛車,可以說:A and B have a car together
參考: 英文文法基礎網站,A university Grammar of English
2007-04-25 1:04 am
2007-04-24 7:57 am
"A and B have a car." = (1)

A and B is two person. A car is only one.

(1) A和B共同擁有一輛車。

Hope it Helps you!
2007-04-24 7:12 am
答案是 (1) A和B共同擁有一輛車。

A and B each has a car.
Both A and B have a car.

2007-04-23 23:19:05 補充:

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