12.3 bicycle 請問這段英文,文法上有錯誤嗎? 會考用的,請指點指點 thank you very much.

2007-04-21 11:37 pm
A few minutes later, the rain stopped. Without thinking, we rushed straight back to Shatin. Unfortunately, when we were on our way, it started to rain again. It even was heavier than before. I didn`t want to go through another experience like that since as long as my life.

請問這段英文,文法上有錯誤嗎? 會考用的,請指點指點
如覺得有更美麗的句子,請指點指點. thank you very much.

回答 (4)

2007-04-21 11:55 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Changed phrase in [ ].

A few minutes later, the rain stopped. Without thinking, we rushed straight back to [the] *****in. Unfortunately, when we were on our way, it started to rain again. It [was even] heavier than before. I didn`t want to go through another experience like that [for the rest of my life].

2007-04-21 16:01:51 補充:
To starmusicstar,1. Without thinking, we rushed ... The subject of this sentence is We.3. It started to rain. The subject IT is a common usage to describe the weather.4. since as long as my life - that is why the owner asks for advice.
2007-04-22 12:30 am
...it started to rain. The rain was light and after a while, it stopped. We peddled with all our might to try to get back to Tai Wai for shelter. But while we were on our way back, it started to rain again, and this time it was pouring. By the time we got back, we were all soaked up. I definitely do not want to go through another time like this; but looking back, it was quite an experience.

2007-04-25 23:04:37 補充:
...天便開始下雨。 雨很疏落, 一會兒它又停了。 我們拼命踩 padalled, 想回到大圍有遮雨的地方。 但是,當我們在回頭路上時, 它又再開始下雨, 並且這次是傾盤大雨。 當我們回去後, 我們全身都濕透了。我肯定不想再試多一次; 但回想起來, 這是一次相當有趣的經驗。
2007-04-22 12:03 am
你所用的是simple past tense.
A few minutes later, the rain stopped. Without thinking, we rushed straight to (某地).
或 we ran straight back to (某地). 或 we went straight back to (某地).
可以用phasal verb go back / run back

Unfortunately, when we were on our way, it started to rain again. It was even heavier than before.

最後一句有d問題, 你是否想講一生不想再遇上這樣的事?
I didn`t want to have this experience again.
或者 我不會忘記這天的事 I won't forget that day in my life.
參考: myself
2007-04-21 11:52 pm
1. Without thinking <---who?or what? no subject~ incomplete sentence
2. we rushed straight back to *****in. <--- ng ming
3. it started to rain again <--- it refers to what?
4. since as long as my life. <--- What does that mean???

this essay sucks!!

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