841天與時並進:GOOD FORTUNE 標題怎譯?及聞中問字解?

2007-04-21 5:34 pm
We start tonight with a mystery feng shui master 風水大師 coming forward (coming forward 怎解?) to claim 聲稱 he’s the sole 單獨的;唯一的 inheritor 繼承人 of the $33-billion fortune left behind (behind 怎解和 left 形成解遺下?用這 adverb!) by Asia’s richest woman, Nina Wang.

Wang’s lawyer says she left behind a will 遺囑 handing over 送交 her entire estate 財產,資產;遺產 to Chan Chun-chuen 陳振聰, and he has confidence he will be able to run her Chinachem Group 華懋集團.


But Wang’s family is challenging his claim, and the stage is now set for (set for 怎解?) a lengthy 冗長的 legal 法律上的 battle 爭鬥 over her fortune 財產.


The above English was written from ATV Main News at 19:30. You may revise it if you like. Thanks.


Thanks for your teaching!

回答 (1)

2007-04-21 6:26 pm
✔ 最佳答案
這裏的Good fortune的fortune是指財產或巨款,而good這裏是指非常(大)的意思,所以good fortune是指著巨大的財產
come forward是站出來,是一個phrasal verb
left behind也是一個phrasal verb,意思是遺下。(所謂phrasal verb就是一個動詞+一個前置詞時/動詞+副詞,就出現一個意思,甚至一個我們也估不到的意思,如:come around是甦醒之意,rule out有排除之意;至於為甚麼這樣組合就成了另一個意思,那只可以說,是外國人從歷史留下的慣用語)
set for是準備好的意思,如yahoo字典的例子:
6. 準備好的[F][(+for)][+to-v]
I was set for the exam.

但若你在這段譯set for是做好準備的話,就不大順暢,不如譯一觸即發”一場為這筆財產的法律戰即將一觸即發”

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