I’m sorry I’ late. The train was delayed.

2007-04-20 2:00 pm
That’s all right. It can’t be helped. 當中的 That 是否解那件事?即 The train was delayed. 而 It 是否是 That 的代名詞,解這?可不可以改寫成:It’s all right and it can’t be helped. 或 That’all right and that can’t be helped.

有時會直接用 It,不用 That

如 It doesn’t matter.
It ’s nothing.

回答 (2)

2007-04-20 6:03 pm
✔ 最佳答案

是,而後面的 It 是指前面那個 That 的代名詞

It’s all right and it can’t be helped. 同埋
That’s all right and that can’t be helped.

好似我話Tom is 12-year-old. He is fat. 我都可以咁講:
Tom is 12-year-old. Tom is fat. 或者:
He is 12-year-old. He is fat. (如果你同我都知He係邊個既情況下方可使用)

2007-04-20 10:09:08 補充:
2007-04-20 2:14 pm
yes, 當中的 That 係只那件事.
可以改寫成:It’s all right and it can’t be helped.
但是, That’s all right and that can’t be helped. 第二個 that 可以改成: That's all right and it can't be helped. 因為 That 係只那件事, 但是 it 係只個 train delay.

希望幫到你 =]
參考: me ^^

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