
2007-04-19 10:07 am
It is of importance 和 It is important 的意思有什麼差別?

回答 (5)

2007-04-19 7:25 pm
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留意既係如果你話係phases既話就得,sentences就唔可以有It is of importance.架啦


以garlic2010的例句而言啦: It is of great importance to keep the report a secret.

你都可以話:It is important to keep the report a secret.

第一句同第二句既分別係,第一句將個重點放在 great importance上,第二句將重點放在to keep the report a secret上



2007-04-20 03:40:09 補充:

2007-04-20 03:52:12 補充:
回garlic2010和steventtw20:steventtw20所講的是對,”It is of important.”自己確實不能成為句子,只可當作短句來看,garlic2010也不必太執著此事我覺得其實tomted02他只是用錯了詞彙,我諗佢想表達的是”這兩句英文短句(phases)有什麼分別?”,而唔係”這兩句英文句子(sentences)有什麼分別?”所以是不是一句句子這個問題不需太著意呢,大家當作是短句來看就可以了,更何況這個不是樓主想問的
2007-04-19 9:07 pm
It is of importance~~它的重要性

It is important ~~最重要
2007-04-19 6:09 pm
首先,根本就沒有"It is of importance"這個句子,這是一個沒有意思的錯句。"importance"是名詞,而"important"是形容詞,在"It is important"這句中,被形容的是句中的那個"It",所以句中要用形容詞"important",而非名詞的"importance"。
2007-04-19 5:46 pm
importance- adverb

They are not interchangeable in the sentence, meaning is the same.
2007-04-19 11:03 am
e.g. It is of great impotance to keep the report a secret.
e.g. Completing the work in time is of great importance to the scuucess of the project

e.g. It is important to keep the report a secret.

2007-04-19 23:47:40 補充:
steventtw20 [碩士級 1 級]It is important to have good work habit.這句子中,被形容的不是句中的那個"It". It 是一個替代性的 subject. 這句的意思是To have good habit is important.當然 Having good habit is important 會較好.Having good habit is of great importance.也可以說成It is of great importance to have good habit.

2007-04-19 23:53:16 補充:
hidyfool [小學級 3 級]你的分析太子細I don't think there is any difference in meaning. It is just a difference in usuage.

2007-04-19 23:55:16 補充:
I don't think there is any difference in meaning. It is just a difference in usage.

2007-04-20 05:11:02 補充:
hidyfool [小學級 3 級]Your note taken.

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