
2007-04-18 8:01 am
playing volleyball is a term sport
it can train our cooperation.
i challenged it every week although my kill isn't as good as other one
but i never give up .
and i have impove a lot .
i am enjoy playing this kinds of activity

回答 (5)

2007-04-18 8:05 am
✔ 最佳答案
volleyball is a term sport
it can train up our team spirit
i play it every week although my skill isn't as good as others
i've never thought of giving up so i have improved a lot
i enjoy playing volleyball
2007-04-18 5:48 pm
Volleyball is a team sport.
It can exercise our teamwork.
I play volleyball every week.
Although I am not as good as the other players, I enjoy playing sports like this.

如果你是想講運動上的”合作”/”配合”,teamwork 應該比cooperation好,cooperation好像是生意/國際上的”合作”

請留意:你話”my kill (skill) isn't as good as other one (ones)”,呢度你要明白,你一開始你用skill(技術),最尾你用other ones(其他隊員),你係唔應該用”技術”黎同”其他隊員”比較,如果你要比較,你要用”自己”黎同”其他隊員”比較,所以我乾脆改做”I am not as good as the other players”,如果你想好像garlic2010 所說的:”my skill is not as good as other players (players’)”,別忘了players後的apostrophe ( ’ ),這樣意思才會變成”我的技術沒有其他隊員的技術好”
否則既話,會令人誤會”other ones”係指”其他技術”,因為你一開始用左skill(技術),意思便會變成:”雖然我打排球的技術沒有其他的(球類運動)好”
2007-04-18 2:17 pm
Volleyball is a team sport. It is a good training in cooperation. I play volleyball every week. Although my skill is not as good as other players, I never give up practising. With more practice, My skill has improved a lot. I enjoy playing volleyball very much.

2007-04-18 06:23:03 補充:
修正後Volleyball is a team sport. It is a good training in cooperation. I play volleyball every week. I enjoy playing this sport although my skill is not as good as other players.
2007-04-18 8:42 am
Playing volleyball is a team sport,
it can train up the co-operation and develop team spirit between the members.
I practise it every week.
Although my skill cannot compete with others, I still enjoy playing it.

注意: although同but不能在同一句子同時出現
參考: 自己+yahoo!字典~ ^^
2007-04-18 8:06 am
Volleyball is a team sport.
It can train our cooperation.
I played it every week although my skill is not as good as others.
But I still enjoy playing it.

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