
2007-04-16 6:40 am

回答 (9)

2007-04-16 5:59 pm
✔ 最佳答案
生活英語是簡單的二隻字: it pays 抵買,有價值
it worths 物有所值
good at price performance 價格表現理想
It outweights the others in price performance比起其他的,它物超所值
參考: my 40 yers experience with foreigners
2007-04-16 6:19 pm

It has extra value compared to it's price.
參考: SELF
2007-04-16 8:46 am
excellent quality and reasonable price
2007-04-16 8:22 am
out of value
2007-04-16 6:59 am
It is worth this amount ( or price)-- 物超所值
參考: me!
2007-04-16 6:52 am

It is worth more than it costs
參考: personal idea
2007-04-16 6:48 am
thing ultra value

2007-04-15 22:52:24 補充:
^~^ 其實呢個英文對作文同埋做生意好有用 !!! 多D講同埋用呀!!!
參考: Yahoo奇摩翻譯(繁體中文至英文)------網址:http://tw.search.yahoo.com/language/translate?
2007-04-16 6:43 am
2007-04-19 11:44 am
None of the answers above is good enough.

In standard English, it should be

It is worhth more than its cost (or price).
It is worth more than $50.
It is worth more than the price you pay.
It is worth more than what you pay.
The cost (or price) is much less than its worth.

It is almost a giveaway. 幾乎免費 (giveaway 免費品)
It is an ultra-value deal. 執倒平貨

收錄日期: 2021-04-18 21:49:54
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