830天與時並進:SEAL OF APPROVAL 標題怎譯?及聞中問字解?

2007-04-14 3:36 pm
We start tonight with China's (China’s 中國的,為何不用 Chinese 中國的?) top leaders giving Chief Executive Donald Tsang their full backing 支持 to lead Hong Kong for another five years and supporting his campaign 競選運動 promises

to introduce greater democracy. Premier Wen Jiabao gave Tsang his formal 正式的 letter of appointment in Beijing today, and urged 激勵 him to devote (devote 怎解?) his entire life (entire life 怎解?) to working for Hong Kong’s betterment 改進.


And President Hu Jintao told Tsang his next five years in office would be crucial (crucial 怎解?) for Hong Kong as greater democracy is introduced 引見 in a gradual 逐步的 manner 方式. The above English was written from ATV Main News at 19:30. You may revise it if you like. Thanks.

回答 (1)

2007-04-15 7:43 am
✔ 最佳答案
We start tonight with China's top leaders giving Chief Executive Donald Tsang their full backing to lead Hong Kong for another five years and supporting his campaign promises to introduce greater democracy.
Premier Wen Jiabao gave Tsang his formal letter of appointment in Beijing today,
and urged him to devote his entire life to working for Hong Kong’s betterment
And President Hu Jintao told Tsang his next five years in office would be crucial for Hong Kong
as greater democracy is introduced in a gradual manner

1) Chinese雖然解中國的 (形容詞) ,也解中文的、中國藉的(形容詞) 、中國人、華裔人士(名詞)
但有時在文章中,強調的意思是:屬於中國國家的、中華人民共和國的……等,特出「中國」為主事位(subject),如 Mary’s doll (瑪麗的洋娃娃) ,China’s president (中國的主席) ,同樣道理。
例:China’s officer 中國國家官員
Chinese officer 華裔官員 (不是其他國藉的)
2) devote---忠心、奉獻
3) entire life----全部生命(一生的)
4) crucial----重要的

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