
2007-04-14 7:43 am
1.Some of the residents are not satisfied with the cleanibg service
2.Some of beaches are covered with all kinds of rubbish
點解 1係some of the ..而2就係some of..??

3.this policeman helped me find my lost bag 可唔可以加個who 係 helped 前面..如果唔得.點解

回答 (4)

2007-04-14 8:26 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. the 係指specific既人樣物件或是一個人, 呢題係指某地方既人



3. 應該唔可以加, 因為加who, which都係relative clause,如果你加左who呢,成句會變左一句冇意思既句子,意思即係你想搵一個指定既policeman ,個policeman係幫過你搵你既失袋,但係由此可以睇到呢句係1句唔完整既句子,之後就要加多一個main clause,例如係this policman who helped me find my lost bag, is my uncle, who helped me 係1句可有可冇既句子,最主要想講既係he is my uncle


所以加左who就會變左1句唔完整既句子, 冇加who就係1句完整句子
參考: 以上係我用自己既知識黎盡量答你,希望對你有幫助
2007-04-14 11:17 am
#1 Correct.

Some of the beaches are covered with all kinds of rubbish.
Some beaches are covered with all kinds of rubbish.

Some of beaches is wrong.

2007-04-14 03:30:25 補充:
#3唔可以加個who 係 helped 前面e.g. I thanked the policeman who helped me find my bag.e.g. The policeman who helped me find my bag is an inspector.
2007-04-14 7:57 am
the 是『指明』的物件(有限制範圍)
1.Some of the residents是指明(那所大廈)的住戶;
2.Some of beaches是冇指明哪些沙灘
參考: 學過的知識
2007-04-14 7:47 am
唔緊要嫁!有 The 同無 The 都岩嫁!
參考: me

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