
2007-04-12 8:09 am

回答 (3)

2007-04-12 8:17 am
✔ 最佳答案
There are different ways to approach a problem. My stand point is crystal clear, that is, from the stand point of my department, I cannot agree to your opinion nor will I do it in the same way.

2007-04-12 02:37:23 補充:
角度 perspectivesviewpoints is too Chinese
2007-04-12 6:25 pm
Looked the question needs to use the dissimilar angle!
In our unit gate standpoint, I did not agree you already look the law, also cannot do this
, my standpoint is very clear dawn
參考: ME
2007-04-12 8:41 am
A problem should be viewed in different viewpoints.
According to our department's stand on this matter, I can't agree to your opion, nor shall I carry out in this way since my attitude about it is clear.

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