點分go to sleep 同go to bed

2007-04-12 6:40 am
想問go to sleep 同go to bed有咩分別?


回答 (6)

2007-04-12 7:25 am
✔ 最佳答案
我只知道有 indescribable, 網上有人問過, 你可以睇下, 答的人都是講 indescribable 先係正確

而且 longman 同 oxford 字典都冇 undescribable, 不過check 某些網上字典都有 undescribable.
source: http://www.answers.com/topic/undescribable

我 '估' indescribable是正宇, 但有人用錯 prefix, 多左人用錯,
咁就開始接受埋 undescribable

"go to bed" and ""go to sleep" 同一二樓的人的講法差不多,
"go to bed" = (叫人去訓啦) 上床sleep
"go to sleep" 係叫人入睡
2007-04-12 7:49 pm
go to bed mean you go to sleep but you may not sleep in the bed.
But if you say go to bed that menan you go to sleep in the bed!!
do you understand??=.="
參考: Me+ grammer book+English book!!=.="
2007-04-12 8:27 am
Only go to bed is correct.

Native English speakers do not say Go to sleep.

Sleep is not something you can control !!

2007-04-13 04:18:53 補充:
Only indescribable is correct.Write good English, do not use undescribable.
2007-04-12 6:47 am
go to sleep姐係去訓教,但係冇話係邊度訓....
go to bed姐係上去床度,,,但係冇話係訓教或姐其他野...
參考: 自己
2007-04-12 6:46 am
go to bed 係叫你去訓覺, 即係你仲打緊機上緊網既時候, 你阿媽叫你去訓, 就同你講GO TO BED

GO TO SLEEP 係指叫你睡, 就係當你仲在床上LOOK 來LOOK 去唔訓既時候, 你阿媽叫你快D訓

一般老外叫人去訓都係GO TO BED既, 好少叫GO TO SLEEP , 不過現代人都開始亂用的了

IN 同UN 答你唔到, 希望上面2個PHASE 你會明啦
2007-04-12 6:44 am
go to sleep means you will sleep may not go to bed but sleep
but go to bed only go to the bed may not sleep.
參考: me

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