
2007-04-10 5:37 am
Why use the ( )words?
1. I am writing to you from Sydney where I am( being )held. (Why? Not use am held)
2. I only just missed (being) run over by a bus this morning. (Why? Not use to be)
3. (Having) come to the finals in the tournament, the team resolved to go home with the championship. (Why? Not coming)
4. The garage mechanic thinks that Mrs. Murphy (had) brought her car in last Tuesday.(Why? Not brought only)
Please help me solve these grammar problems. Thank you very much!

回答 (3)

2007-04-12 7:00 pm
✔ 最佳答案
而簡單現在式是指一些習慣 (e.g. I go to school by bus.) 或恆常的事情 (e.g. I live in Hong Kong.)及真理 (e.g. The sun rises from the east.)等等

I am being held in Sydney 可翻譯為:我正在留在悉尼
I am held in Sydney 可翻譯為:我留在悉尼


有很多 verb 後面可以跟 to-infinitive 或 present participle,例如:
I like to sing. I like singing.
但有些 verb 後面只可以跟 present participle,例如:
He avoids mentioning her.
She missed going to the party.

所以 missed 後面不可以用 to be run,只可用 being run.
你可以多留意英文的文章及查字典,便會慢慢知道哪個 verb 可以用,哪個不能用。

如果你用 Coming to the finals... 的話,所表達的意思是 Coming to the finals... 及 the team resolved to... 是同時發生或一個緊接一個地發生。

而用 Having come... 的話,意思是:
The team, which had come to the finals in the tournament, resolved to go home with the championship.

明顯地,隊伍來到(或者打入)決賽之後一段時間,隊伍才贏得冠軍回家。所以Coming to...並不適用.

Mrs. Murphy had brought her car in last Tuesday 意思是
Mrs. Murphy 在上星期二已經帶了她的車入來

這裏,past perfect tense 能表達在過去已經發生的事,但又不想去說明或不清楚事情是在過去哪一時刻發生,只知道事情在過去某時間或之前已經發生了。

如用 Mrs. Murphy brought her car in last Tuesday ,意思是
Mrs. Murphy 在上星期二帶了她的車入來


PS: 在句子中 in 是 brought 的 preposition. 並不是錯誤.可以改寫為:
Last Tuesday, Mrs. Murphy had brought her car in.
2007-04-10 10:45 am
The first thing to know is that tense is not the same as time.

1. The clause I am being held in Sydney does not need to mean right at this moment. The fact that I am not staying in Sydney permanently but for a certain period merits the use of continuous tense.

2. Being run over by a bus is the object of the sentence. We say Seeing is believing but not To see is to believe.

3. Using perfect tense Having come highlights the situation they have attained (they are already in the finals). Coming to the finals implies they are looking foreward to the finals.

4. Certain things to be considered:
a) There is no need for a preposition before Last Tuesday.
b) When the specific time in the past is known, e.g. yesterday, last Tuesday, in 2006, etc., past or past perfect tense is used. Never use present perfect tense in this situation. Past tense is the right way in most circumstances, at least t cannot be wrong if the past time is known.
c) Had brought is preferred to brought in this sentence because this part of the sentence is the object of what the garage mechanic thinks. Compare theese two sentences:

Mrs Murphy brought her car last Tuesday. (Perfect)
The garage mechanic thinks that Mrs. Murphy had brought her car last Tuesday. (Almost perfect, grammatically sound)

The second sentence is almost perfect because in an indirect speech, time is described in relation to the subject, the mechanic in this case. The sentence should be like this:

The garage mechanic thinks that Mrs. Murphy had brought her car the Tuesday before.

2007-04-13 07:11:05 補充:
Hi, tc [小學級 3 級],Thanks for pointing out brought in. How could I possibly miss that !!
2007-04-10 6:20 am
1. 因為你寫信 ge 時候現正被留在悉尼,係講緊一個好 speciofic ge 時間,所以要用 present continuous,如果用 am held,會係概括 d ge 講法,例如講緊生活習慣或者一 d 不變 ge 定理。
2. verb 後面唔可以有另一個 verb(除左一 d 特別 ge 字好似 help),所以 missed 後面個 verb 要變成 continuous form ,being run over by a bus 就變左個 object 咁啦。
3. having + past participle 個意思等於 after verb+ing ... ,即係做完一樣野之後,呢個係 grammar 定理,可以話冇得解 ge 。
4. 呢句 ge 意思係強調 Mrs. Murphy 上星期二<已經>帶了架車入黎 ge 事實。 如果冇 had,就淨係講件事出黎,用 had 係強調番事件已經發生。


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