
2007-04-10 5:28 am

回答 (6)

2007-04-10 8:51 pm
✔ 最佳答案
要學英文粗口無需要到英文學校或補習社. 雖然相信有某些想出位的名師可能會在堂上教一些英文粗口. 但基於尺度問題, 會很有保留. 亦無可能開一班專教英文粗口. 因為很快同學會由好奇, 變為反感.

我知到Oxford 出版社有一本書叫Practical English Usage ( 作者Michael Swan). 其中有一題是介紹英美的粗口(Taboo words). 可是近年新的版本已經把該題抽起. 只有舊版有.我不肯定何年抽起. 我擁有的是1992再印的版本(1986年版). 該書把Taboo words 的冒犯污穢程度分為不同等級, 以作參考.

我不講英語粗口.亦不贊成別人講. 但相信認識英語粗口是學習英語的一部份.
現在本地電視台把西片的taboo word 抽起, 不一定是好事, 試想下一代可能連fxxx這些典形的taboo亦不知是禁忌語是多麼可笑呢.

需知在香港生活的外國人普遍都有興趣認識廣東話粗口. 動機不是要講, 而是要知.
有一西人朋友曾說過一件不快事: 話說初到香港工作, 在酒吧向本地人問"Nice to meet you." 的中文是什麼. 之後遇到同事是便向他門"問候". 同事驚訝地問他為何要講粗口....

由此可見, 認識粗口不一定是粗鄙的.
2007-04-10 9:31 pm
I really don't see the point of actually learning the coarse language. You probably can hear a lots of them in the daily life and in most of the action movies. If you wants to know because you don't want feel like an idiot when someone say them you, then it's ok. But if you want to say them to someone elso, man, that isn't right.
2007-04-10 5:03 pm
參考: ME
2007-04-10 11:42 am
Why learn the bad things of another culture? It is NOT cool.

2007-04-13 07:16:36 補充:
Hi, noely36hk [小學級 5 級]You are absolutely right.
2007-04-10 5:44 am
No , but I know one . It is SHIT .
Maybe some 補習班 's Sir or Miss always tell a lot .
But idon't know where .
2007-04-10 5:36 am
Of course no la. what are you learning the english bad words for anyway?

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