關於 think and thought

2007-04-09 7:53 pm
think it necessary = think it is necessary???
thought it necessary = find it necessary = think it necessary??


thought it necessary 絕對無錯,我補習阿sir都話可以咁用,意思同find it necessary一樣,dictinary都係咁寫,verb to be 可以省略, 但我唔肯定think係咪同樣可以咁用,請各位幫幫忙

回答 (2)

2007-04-09 10:56 pm
✔ 最佳答案
其實嚴格 D 黎講, think 後面係唔可以有動詞.
一句simple sentence 只可以有一個verb.

正確黎講, 如果想話”我諗(依樣野)係應該既”
I think that it is necessary.
加個that 字 咁 ”it is necessary”就變成左1 個 clause
I think it is necesssary

necessary 係 adjective 形容詞
向你個句子裏面係形容緊”it”,所以一定要加 is
好似: She is beautiful.
beautiful 形容緊 She, 冇左 is 個句子就錯啦 (She beautiful X)

而think 同 thought 既分別只在於 tense 上
I think it is necessary
I thought it was* necessary
所以只要跟返岩個 tense 就冇問題啦.

註: (如果你係向 listening 度聽倒 ”think it necessary”我諗你只係聽漏左, 原句可能係”think it's* necessary”)
2007-04-13 11:24 am
Your 補習阿sir is right.

The following sentences are correct.

I think it necessary to revise our plan.
I think [ that ] it is necessary to revise our plan.

Think and Find are interchangeable here but in the first sentence Find is the better word to use. You may also use Consider instead of think.

Thought is just the past tense of Think.

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