Please translate the English sentences into Chinese.

2007-04-07 6:27 am
Please translate the following sentences into Chinese :
(1) You can find doctors and doctors in Hong Kong .
(2) Would you like John or Joan to go with you to Macau ?
(3) To my surprise, she said that Repulse Bay is no more beautiful than Deep Water Bay .
(4) What a shame ! The teacher died in a traffic accident two weeks ago . She was a teacher of English dear to all students in our school .

回答 (5)

2007-04-18 6:46 am
✔ 最佳答案
As you think my answer is ok and other answerers still have not made any changes to their answers yet I answer you now:
(1) You can find doctors and doctors in Hong Kong .
你既可在香港找到好的醫生, 但也(小心)有黃綠醫生!
(2) Would you like John or Joan to go with you to Macau ?
(3) To my surprise, she said that Repulse Bay is no more beautiful than Deep Water Bay .

我真沒想到, 她竟然說淺水灣和深水灣都是不漂亮的 .
(4) What a shame ! The teacher died in a traffic accident two weeks ago . She was a teacher of English dear to all students in our school .

真是遺憾! 兩星期前在交通意外中喪生的那位英文老師, 是我們全體同學所敬愛的.
2007-04-12 10:30 pm
(1)You can find doctors and doctors in Hong Kong .
(2)Would you like John or Joan to go with you to Macau ?
(3)To my surprise, she said that Repulse Bay is no more beautiful than Deep Water Bay .
(4) What a shame ! The teacher died in a traffic accident two weeks ago .
She was a teacher of English dear to all students in our school .
參考: me
2007-04-07 7:39 am
(1)You can find doctors and doctors in Hong Kong .
(2)Would you like John or Joan to go with you to Macau ?
(3)To my surprise, she said that Repulse Bay is no more beautiful than Deep Water Bay .
(4) What a shame ! The teacher died in a traffic accident two weeks ago .
She was a teacher of English dear to all students in our school .
2007-04-07 7:27 am



(4)真可惜! 那個老師兩個星期前在交通意外中死了。 在我們的學校她是一個深受所有學生愛戴的老師。
2007-04-07 6:56 am



(4)真可惜! 老師在交通事故死了二個星期前。 她是老師英國親愛對所有學生在我們的學校

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