英文 唔該 help 我睇下 grammar!!!!! ths

2007-04-07 5:19 am
Since China joined to World Trade Organization, there are a lot of investment from other countries.WTO is very important for domestic economics and international trade,also,it can booost the reputation in the world.

When china joined to WTO,it has demonstrated that China become a strong state which begins to control the economics of Asian.Moreover,the government of China implements some measures to attract more enterprices to invest in China.

回答 (2)

2007-04-07 7:46 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Since China became a member of the World Trade Organization(WTO), foreign investments start to grow. Joining WTO is not only very important for domestic economics and international trades, but also improve the reputation of a country globally.

Even though China reach a strong stage in economy and become a powerful country in Asia, the government of China continue implements more strategies in order to attract more oversea investments.

"I will not repeat joining wto again and again.
China is a country not a state.
2007-04-07 9:19 am
Since China's entry into the World Trade Organisation(WTO), there have been a lot of investment from other countries . The WTO is very important for domestic economics and international trade but also boosts the reputation in the world .
After entry into the WTO , China has become one of the largest economies in Asia . Moreover, the Chinese government has taken some effective measures to attract more enterprises to invest in China .

收錄日期: 2021-04-12 18:53:06
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