821天與時並進:CRUSHED 標題怎譯?及聞中問字解?

2007-04-02 4:49 pm
We start tonight with the miraculous (miraculous 怎解?) survival 生還 of a passenger 乘客 whose taxi was crushed 壓碎 by a container truck 貨櫃車 in Tsuen Wan. The man is in serious 嚴重的 condition 狀態 in hospital

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2007-04-02 6:13 pm
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CRUSHED 標題譯 作 壓扁, 壓碎, 因上屆奧斯卡最佳電影名叫 CRASHED 故用此單字

We start tonight with the miraculous (miraculous 解作奇跡地) survival 生還 of a passenger 乘客 whose taxi was crushed 壓碎 by a container truck 貨櫃車 in Tsuen Wan.
after rescuers 救援者 had to peal off (peal off 應該是 peel off 之誤, 解作 批皮, 好似水果去果皮一樣) the roof of the taxi to free (free 解作解救, 釋放) him. The drivers of both vehicles were also injured 受傷, and investigation 調查 are trying to find out what caused 引起 the accident 意外.

收錄日期: 2021-04-16 17:12:56
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