808天與時並進 :MARCH FOR DEMOCRACY 標題怎譯?及聞中問字解?

2007-03-21 9:17 pm
More than 2’000 people marched 遊行示威 from Causeway Bay to Central today demanding 要求 universal suffrage 普選 in Hong Kong by 2012. Alan Leung 梁家傑 who said the campaign (campaign 怎解?) to elect the next city’s next leader had changed the political culture 政治文化 here and that the people of Hong Kong would only benefit (benefit 是否解受益或得益?) from the change.

The above English was written from ATV Main News at 19:30.
You may revise it if you like. Thanks.

回答 (3)

2007-03-22 11:44 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1) March for democracy 怎譯?

(march 是指遊行; for 是表達遊行之目的; democracy 是民主)

2) Campaign 怎解?

(但此運動不是解體育活動 -- not sports, 而是一種政治或社會運動, 例如: 1919年的 五四運動, 清潔香港運動等等)

3) benefit from x x x 意思?

從 x x x 中得益
(people of HK would only benefit from the change, 即港人只會從這改變中得益)

2007-03-22 15:50:06 補充:
more examples to illustrate campaign (from yahoo):運動,活動[( for/against)][ to-v]The city hall is planning to start a campaign against smoking.市政府計劃發起禁煙運動。3. 競選運動The presidential campaign was in full swing.總統競選運動正在全力進行中。
2007-03-21 10:09 pm
樓上的朋友完全誤解了"March"的意思。"March"並不解作三月,它的意思本來是指軍隊“行軍”,引申意思為“進軍”,但也有“遊行”的意思。所以"March for democracy"可以譯成“遊行為民主”或“向民主進軍”。
順帶一提,大陸經常提到的一段歷史“長征”,英文正式名稱是"Long March",而長征火箭系列也是真的叫做"Long March rocket series"。以下的網址可以查到"March"的意思﹕
2007-03-21 9:22 pm

campaign = 競選活動

Correct, benefit 解受益或得益

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