800天與時並進 :FACE TO FACE 標題怎譯?及聞中問字解?

2007-03-13 3:28 am
Ground breaking 創新的 talks are underway 進行中 in Iraq to find a way to end the spiraling 急劇上升的 violence 暴力 in the country. For the first time US officials are sitting down for direct talks with their counterparts 對方

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2007-03-13 4:30 am
✔ 最佳答案
問題主要在句子末段 militia, who are wreaking havoc in his country and many fear will destabilise the regions.


wreak havoc慣常見於英文報章的標題,尤其多用於天災人禍,中文多譯作:肆虐。

fear 這裏是動詞,而其主語是many,故不用加s。many fear在這裏只是一句插入修飾句,我認為如在many之前和fear之後加上逗號可令文義更清晰,甚至加以省略反而可能較易令人明白,即militia who are wreaking havoc in his country and will destabilise the regions.



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