795天與時並進 :BLACK MONDAY 標題怎譯?及聞中問字解?

2007-03-10 5:00 am
There was nowhere to hide (nowhere to hide?) for investors today as local share prices 股價 saw their biggest slump 暴跌 in three and a half years, a whopping 巨大的 four percent.

Stocks across the board (across the board 怎解?) plunged 陷下 with investors worried about pledges 誓約 by Beijing to cool 冷卻 the mainland economy 經濟 and the strengthening 強勢 of the Japanese currency 貨幣.


Regional markets weren’t spared (spared?) either as share prices continued the tailspin 困境 that began last week. The above English was written from ATV Main News at 19:30. You may revise it if you like. Thanks.

回答 (2)

2007-03-11 8:57 am
✔ 最佳答案
black Monday - 黑色星期一(通常股市有暴跌的時候,當天就被說成Black XXX)

nowhere to hide - 沒有逃避的地方 (因為所有股票都下跌,所以投資者不可以把資金從一類的股票轉移至另一類)
John has nowhere to go (約翰走頭無路了/約翰沒有哪兒要去)
Mary has nothing to do (瑪莉沒有事做)

across the board 全部,所有的

plunged 該解作急劇下跌,比較dropped強烈得多

was not spared (to spare) 幸免

tailspin 混亂
2007-03-10 5:34 am
BLACK MONDAY-----黑色星期一
nowhere to hide----無處何躲避
across the board -----board 是指海外的,外國的 e.g. He studies aboard.他到外國留學
(aboard 是助動詞, board是名詞)
across 是橫過,在這處有廣泛的意思
Stocks across the board-----整個東南亞的股票市場

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