790天與時並進 :POPULIST BUDGET 標題怎譯?及聞中問字解?

2007-03-02 3:14 pm
A massive surplus leading to tax breaks (tax break 怎解?) to keep everyone happy - that’s the theme 主題 of Financial Secretary Henry Tang’s budget 預算 this year. Well 好, his budget is certainly 的碓地 a crowd pleaser (crowd pleaser 怎解?),

with cutting back (cutting back 怎解?) on salaries 薪俸, property 資產 and alcohol 酒精tax. He announced a $55.1 billion budget surplus 盈餘, thanks to an economic growth rate 經濟增長率 of 6.8 percent last year. And that’s prompted 促使 a $20 billion tax reduction package (package 怎解?) that includes:


A one-off 一次過 salarlies tax cut 減稅 of 50 percent. A reduction in marginal tax rates 邊際稅率. A 50 percent cut in wine and beer duty. A reduction in stamp duty 印花, and a one-off rate payment waiver (rate payment waiver 怎解?).


The above English was written from ATV Main News at 19:30. You may revise it if you like. Thanks.

回答 (1)

2007-03-02 4:12 pm
✔ 最佳答案
POPULIST BUDGET----the most popular budget最受歡迎的財政預算案
tax breaks-----在納稅方面得到舒緩, break 可見於 e.g. Please give me a break
e.g. lunch break 午飯時間
crowd pleaser----討群眾歡心的東西
cutting back ----減少
package ----套餐,計劃 e.g. This travel package includes one-night hotel, breakfast and
a buffet dinner.這個旅遊套餐包括一晚酒店住宿、早餐及餐 自助晚餐。

2007-03-02 21:05:39 補充:
rate payment waiver-----rate 是差餉 (rent and rate 解差餉與地租) payment 繳交費用 waiver 放棄權利, 豁免 全句解:政府一次過 豁免,不用市民交差餉Give me a break 用重語氣說時,可用來罵人,解「你放過我啦!」

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