789天與時並進 :LINE OF FIRE 標題怎譯?及聞中問字解?

2007-03-02 2:51 pm
We start tonight with the ongoing inquest into the death of constable Tsui Po-ko 徐步高 and the three men he allegedly killed over several years. The Coroner 驗屍官 and jury 陪審團 went back to the scene where constable Leung Shing-yan was shot dead in Tsuen Wan,

hoping to better understand what happened nearly six years ago. While (while 是否解而在?) in court today, one officer described how he had swapped 交換 his lunch break with Leung, which (which 是否指 how he had swapped his lunch break with Leung?) led him to the scene 現場 of the shooting,


while another officer testified (testified 怎解?)the gun, which was used in last year's Tsim Sha Tsui shootout 交火, was stolen from the scene. The above English was written from ATV Main News at 19:30. You may revise it if you like. Thanks.

回答 (1)

2007-03-02 6:21 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. Line of Fire: 英文 in the line of fire 是指 "處於射程之內". 這段新聞是報導死因裁判官和陪審員到鎗撀現場了解情況, 標題是說 他們來到了曾經發生鎗撀事件的地方. 所以標題可以譯為:
鎗撀現場 / 親臨鎗撀現場 / 重返鎗撀現場

2. while: 用在句子的開首, 作用和 when 差不多, 都是 --- 當......的時候
3. which 是指 "換 (swapped) 午飯時間" 這件事.
4. testified: testify 的過去式, 動詞, 指 在法庭上 作證. 也可指 "證明" 一件事 (加 to), 如:
His excellent works testify to his talent.

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