
2007-02-28 12:22 am

回答 (5)

2007-02-28 5:55 am
✔ 最佳答案
$ 2000-3000 通常都係一D part time 導師,同埋質素好一般果D....出色D同質素同演出經驗高既,私人教,兩三萬唔算太難,有D 甚至近十萬個月,當然唔多,古典琴收入通常會高D同平穩D,流行鋼琴就多幾會出show ,但如果只得個8級就一定要進修。仲有,如果私人教琴好多人會冇自設公司,冇交稅,冇強積金,第時如果想供樓,銀行好大幾會唔借,所以要好好理財!

come to see see this web if i can help
2007-02-28 10:28 am
In Hong Kong, a piano (also other instrumental) teacher is much more favour to female than to male.

In fact, a female piano teacher is not too difficult to build up her own career through attracting students in relatively short time, say, 1~2 years. Having more than 30 students and earning HK$10,000 ~ HK$20,000 per month is quite accessible target for female, especially the young one. Even she is just working for a piano company where 40~50% of income has to be shared to the company. And even she is just grade 8 level, as long as she maintain good attitude to her job. I have heard a current female university student who teaches piano can earn more than HK$30,000 per month on part-time basis!!!

For male, this is not the case. Grade 8 level is starving but diploma level is not much better. Earning HK$10,000 just through piano teaching is always not easy, and it becomes much harder now. The main reason is that most students are girls and thus many parents do not feel comfortable to let her young daughter to stay with a man in a small room with closing door. This may be something rather sensitive topic and I should not disclose it here. Clever reader should understand this.

Therefore, in order to earn more income, a male teacher will make money from stage performance (e.g. at hotel or wedding occassion), piano accompaniment for other musical instruments, choir and vocal. Also some other music-related jobs: teaching music theory, make recording, arranging music, compoing music, etc.
2007-02-28 7:33 am

初初教琴, 當然未有很多學生, 主要要靠朋友介紹或到琴行, 可能真係搵幾千蚊一個月. 但如果你能力是 夠, 慢慢 d 學生到 7,8 級或者 dip, 又有一定學生數量, 香港一般的老師教得幾年至 10 年都可以有 2 萬至 4 萬, 但係就唔夠穩定.

如果你唔想只係搵到幾千蚊, 就一定要勤力, 接學生, 同埋要教得好, 先有人介紹. 而且如果未有音樂的學位又最好讀埋, 咁會對你自己, 同對你的學生都有好處.
2007-02-28 4:29 am

一定唔止2000-3000那麼少., 我第一個月就有2000元,第二個月就有4000元, 第三個月已超過5000元

不過教琴前景~那你一定要不斷進修音樂, 進修音樂也不平宜,還要買cd,書籍,dv,這些東西等等.而且到時學琴一定超過2000一個月
參考: me
2007-02-28 12:29 am
about 2000-3000 a month

of cox ,
under the new education system ,
more all rounded students are required
so those who have learnt any mucis instructment will have an over whelming advatage in the future
i believe there must be more people learning mucis ,especially piano ,in the coming days
and piano is the most common and easy -learning instructment

actually i also hv interest to learn , although i 'm 18 now

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