john thompson grade 3, 4 and 5多唔多人用?

2007-02-25 9:32 am
john thompson grade 3, 4 and 5多唔多人用?

回答 (2)

2007-02-26 9:00 am
✔ 最佳答案
john thompson grade 3約三級至四級程度
john thompson grade 4 約四級至六級程度
john thompson grade 5 約六級至八級程度,而呢本有首schumann 升 F #大調浪漫曲是n年前的ABRSM八級考試歌、B大調即興曲是2005-06年ABRSM八級考試歌。
john thompson grade 1 及 2一般較以上三本淺易,約一級至二級程度,故此一般老師都為學生選呢兩本書作一至二級教材。
通常跟琴行就好少會建議老師開john thompson grade 3、4、5呢三本書,琴行希望學生進度快d、一般老師又想學生們彈的歌好聽d,故此選children pieces及master pieces,但john thompson grade 3、4、5入面的歌都好好聽的,而且技巧不易。相比較少人選擇。
2007-02-25 10:54 am
You are true, not many people use these grades in recent decade.

This is because a lot of piano tutors use "Piano Pieces for Children" after John Thompson 2nd grade book.

Also, only John Thompson 1st & 2nd grades have CD recordings.

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