775天與時並進:POLITICAL DRAMA 標題怎譯?及聞中問字解?

2007-02-17 4:36 am
We start tonight in Taiwan, where former Ma Ying-jiou 馬英九, the front runner 領先的人 in next year’s presidential election 總統選舉, was charged 指控 with corruption 貪污 today.

Ma stepped down 下台 as the leader of the Kuomintang party 國民黨 this evening, but he insisted he will still run (run 怎解?) for president. His indictment 起訴 will have far reaching 深遠的 implications (implications 怎解?)


for Taiwan’s political scene 景象 and relations 關係 with Beijing. The English written from ATV Main News 19:30 You may revise it if you like. Thanks.

回答 (2)

2007-02-20 8:26 am
✔ 最佳答案

>>Ma stepped down 下台 as the leader of the Kuomintang party 國民黨 this evening,
馬英九今晚辭職,不做國民黨主席 (translation of the above)

run for president.- 角逐 總統競選 (run for - phrasal verb)

Run for' - Definition 1 Meaning: Campaign for a position Example:
She's thinking about RUNNING FOR the presidency.


>>was charged 指控 with corruption 貪污

charged with 被控告犯了 XX

>>His indictment 起訴 will have far reaching 深遠的 implications (implications 怎解?) for Taiwan’s political scene 景象 and relations 關係 with Beijing.

他被起訴會對台灣的政治環境和北京的關係有深遠影響。(translation of the above)

2007-02-20 00:31:12 補充:
2. 含意;言外之意;暗示[C][U][ that][( for)]Did you gather the implications of her remark?你猜到她那番話的含意了嗎?I resent your implication that my work is unsatisfactory.我討厭你這話的弦外之音,似乎我的工作不能令人滿意。yahoo dict
2007-02-17 9:11 am
political drama:政治化的話劇
run for:參與

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