769天與時並進:PUNISHER PUNISHED 標題怎譯?及聞中問字解?

2007-02-10 11:47 pm
We start tonight with the shocking 可怕的 case 案子 of a father who beat 打 his 14-year-old son for lying 說謊 about completing 完成 a gruelling 嚴懲的 fitness regims (fitness regims 怎解?). The father,

who claimed 要求 he had (had 怎解?) his son’s best interests at heart (interests at heart 怎解?), was today sentenced 判決 to 12 months’probation (probation 怎解?), as social workers warned parents (social workers warned parents 怎解?) not to push 迫壓 their children too hard.


The English written from ATV Main News 19:30 You may revise it if you like. Thanks.

回答 (3)

2007-02-11 3:06 am
✔ 最佳答案

嗯首先, punisher punished只是求個順口, 意思就是"施虐者(懲罰者)被罰"
應該是來自於WWI之後意大利被稱為"the betrayed betrayer"
fitness regims就是健身訓練, 這篇新聞是說那個老爸要兒子做運動那個嘛
he had his son's best interests at heart, 是說, "他讓兒子(做運動是)對心臟有益的"
probation一般是解作見習呀甚麼的, 但這裏在講判刑, 所以probation在這裏解"緩刑"
social workers warned parents (not to push their children too hard)就是"社工勸告家長(不要把他們的孩子迫得太要緊)"
2007-02-19 11:24 pm
== the following is incorrect! the other answer is right.
he had his son's best interests at heart, 是說, "他讓兒子(做運動是)對心臟有益的"
2007-02-12 5:53 am
Punisher Punished就像中文常見的'剃人頭者人亦剃其頭',或罰人終罰己。

regims我想應是 regime,gruelling fitness regime就是地獄式體能訓綀。

he had his son's best interest at heart 他心底裡是處處為兒子的好處著想。

雖然probation 確可解作緩刑,但在香港法律的涵義一般解作感化,緩刑則多用suspension,再者,根據該案的新聞報導,這位嚴父最終是被法官判處十二個月感化令的,故12 months' probation就是需要接受十二個月感化。

social workers warned parents not to push their children too hard = 社會工作者勸諭為人父母者不要向子女過度施壓。

2007-02-11 21:59:04 補充:
注意:at heart是一個英文片語,指心底裡,與人體器官無關。

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