764天與時並進:CAMPAIGN CLASH 標題怎譯?及聞中問字解?

2007-02-05 1:46 am
One day after announcing 發表 he’ll seek 謀求 re-election 當選 as chief executive 特首, Donald Tsang today lobbied (lobbied 怎解?) the 800 members of the election committee who’ll be choosing the next leader 領袖. But pro-democracy 親民主 members of the committee angrily 忿怒地 accused 控告 him of ignoring 不理睬 them by accepting 接受 only written questions (written questions 怎解?).

ATV Main News
You may revise it if you like. Thanks.

回答 (2)

2007-02-05 4:35 am
✔ 最佳答案
CAMPAIGN CLASH 可譯為「選舉交鋒」( clash 這裡不應理解為 ‘衝突’、‘爭執’ 等, 因事實上情況未有那麼嚴重 )
lobbied (past tense of verb 'lobby'):遊說。曾蔭權向選舉委員會的八百名選委進行遊說。
曾蔭權2月3日接見選舉委員, 在座談會上各選委可以向曾提問, 但只接受書面問題 (會議主持人可先看過問題, 作出篩選, 避免答覆某些議題), 親民主派選委不想預先給對方知悉他們問的是什麼, 故舉手發問, 但不獲理睬。“...accepting only written questions” 即 ‘只接受書面提出的問題’。
“seek re-election as chief executive” = 尋求再度當選為特區首長。're-election' 是再當選, 有別於當選。
“But pro-democracy members of the committee angrily accused him of ignoring them...”, 這裡的“accused”不應解 ‘控告’。 當'accuse'解 ‘控告’, 意思是:to say somebody is guilty of something because of breaking the law, 即涉及違法、違規, 但文章內所指的, 完全與法例無關。‘Accuse’ 這裡是「譴責」或「指責」的意思;‘accuse’是有這個定義的。
2007-02-05 3:19 am
Canpaign clash 可譯作 競選衝突
re-election 可譯作 連任
lobbied 可譯作 游說
written question 可譯作 書面問題
參考: me

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