how can i stop my dog bite?

2007-01-17 10:07 pm
my dog is a;way bitting me because she is a baby how can i stop her?

回答 (2)

2007-01-17 10:44 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Dont let it become a habit or she will never understand this is a bad behaviour. she bites you because she wants to play with you and while her teeth continue to grow, it causes her itchy gum. You should say no to her when she bites you or gently pat on her nose so as to make her understand this is not going to be allowed. Buy her some puppy toys so she can play with them when she is boring too. If you can successfully teach her not to do this, this act will be vanished when she has all her teeth well grown.
2007-01-17 10:25 pm
If she bit you , you can bring she to the animals doctor.
Perhaps she has (瘋狗征)

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