734天與時並進:GETTING OFF EASY 標題怎譯?及聞中問字解?

2007-01-04 2:37 pm
Unusually 異常地 light 輕微的 sentences 判決 were handed down 宣判 in three-profile (three-profile 怎解?) court cases today. One of them involved is a professor who cheated 詐騙 his university out of (out of 怎解?) more than a million dollars

in allowances 津貼, and another 另外一件事 saw (看到?為何 another ,死物可做主動式句子?) Sing Pao reporters suing the newspaper for their salaries. But first, to (to 怎解?) the case of a father who forced 強迫his son to walk naked (赤裸的 adj.,好像這句沒有動詞?) in the streets as punishment for bad beheaviour.


ATV Main News You may revise it if you like. Thanks.


three-profile 應是 high-profile,問了朋友,應解多受人注意的,對嗎?

回答 (1)

2007-01-04 6:25 pm
✔ 最佳答案

three-profile:literally means 「三個外觀」。
成句應該係 three-profile court cases,不過我唔知道 three-profile court cases 咩係意思....sry....

out of:從...裡面, 從...中, 從...身上, 離開, 缺乏, 在...之外, 喪失, 放棄, 來自, 出生於, 出於, 由於, 用...製成
cheated his university out of more than a million dollars in allowances 應該解做「從津貼中詐騙他所教的大學多過一百萬(美/港)元。

another:in this case, 呢個應該係「似人化」。

to:向, 到, 往, 直到, 在...之前, 離。
But first, to the case of a father who forced his son to walk naked in the streets as punishment for bad beheaviour (behevior). <--成句應該係解做「不過,首先到(看看)一個父親強迫他兒子在街裡赤裸地散步吧。」

naked 應該無動詞。

2007-01-04 10:27:36 補充:
But first, to the case of a father who forced his son to walk naked in the streets as punishment for bad beheaviour (behavior). <--呢句應該係解做「不過,首先到(看看)一個父親強迫他兒子在街裡赤裸地散步的案子吧。」先啱

2007-01-05 08:01:57 補充:
high-profile:高姿態的, 公開態度的, 明確立場的我諗應該可以解做「多受人注意的」
參考: www.answers.com, google word translator, my dad

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