schold l give up~important need lot of help,best get 20

2007-01-02 8:20 am
my dog is westie,
and he being so itch
so we bring him to doctor,
before the doctor give hgim sum sampoo and he be better again,
and then he kepp being itch again and we bring him there
and then he now been itch again and the doctor say it is the top end for the dog,
we should let him go to sleep,
should l let go,
l dont want to kill him~
so depress,

回答 (2)

2007-01-02 10:14 pm
佢有冇講咩事令你隻狗狗咁痕? 有虱/對虱敏感? 寄生蟲? 皮膚病? 對狗餅敏感?.... etc.??
令佢痕既原因好多, 但我從來未聽過因為隻狗成日身痕而要人道毀滅!!!!!! 佢只係唔識醫, 又唔肯承認而矣!! 我以前都試過同一個 case, 我隻狗有食肉烏蠅蟲, 傷口響 pat pat 附近, 感染得好嚴重, 個獸醫竟然同我講要響佢個肚度開個 loan 搬條直腸落黎, 以後就響個肚度放大便, 但佢之後一世都會因為失禁而成日嚴重感染 (內臟外露), 但唔做呢個手術隻狗會死! 我唔信, 帶佢去第二度睇, 結果只係做個清蟲手術就好番, 前後唔駛 2 wks!!!!
獸醫既專業係可信, 但每當涉及到生死既重大決定, 就一定要尋求一個甚至多過一個信譽好 & 有醫德既 vet !!! 建議你睇旺角梭椏道 Dr. Tint, 佢好好心機, 唔 dum 症, 好詳細咁解釋比你聽你隻狗係咩事; 佢既 contacts 可以輕易響網上面搵倒~ 快 d 同狗狗轉 vet 啦 !
2007-01-02 9:05 am
I suggest you to see another vet, don't give up. Hope your dog get well soon.

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