727天與時並進:CUT OFF 標題怎譯?及聞中問字解?

2006-12-29 2:19 pm
From Hong Kong to Japan and Australia, internet and phone services have been badly (badly 和 very 非常分別?) disrupted 破壞 by the powerful earthquake 地震 that rocked 振動 Taiwan last night.

The quake 地震 killed two people, injured dozens more (dozen more 幾十人?) on the island, and damaged 損毀 vital (vital 怎解?) communication 聯絡lines 線路 that the region 地區 depends on 依靠.


另外詳聞生字:Richter Scale 李氏地震分等標準 ; tremor 震動; Tsunami 海嘯 alerts; brunt 沖力; toppled 倒塌 houses; rattled 嚘嚘響 buildings; knock-on effect 怎解? ATV Main News You may revise it if you like. Thanks.


櫻天使:你可不可以答答我未有人答的問題?謝謝! http://hk.knowledge.yahoo.com/question/?qid=7006122500496

回答 (1)

2006-12-29 3:48 pm
✔ 最佳答案
CUT OFF: 切掉, 切斷, 刪去

badly: 壞;拙劣地, 通常都係唔好(negative)既意思.

vital: (人體的)重要器官; 重要部分,要害. vital communication lines 成句我會解成 "重要的聯絡線路".

knock-on effect: 撞擊的效果
參考: Yahoo! 字典, http://www.answers.com

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