726天與時並進:VIRUS ALERT 標題怎譯?及聞中問字解?

2006-12-28 2:49 am
Japan has report its worst outbreak爆發 of the norovirus (norovirus 怎解?) stomach 胃 bug (bug 怎解?) in 25 years, with over three million people falling sick (falling sick 怎解?) and several 幾個人 dying 垂死中 in the winter months.

Hong Kong has witnessed 目擊 more outbreaks this year as well, caused by a mutated 變種的 strain (strain 怎解?) of the virus 病毒. Medical experts warn that 2007 is likely to be another peak year 高峰年 of stomach virus outbreaks in Hong Kong.


另外詳聞生字:surpass 超過; gastroenteritis 腸胃炎; variants 變種; highly- infectious 高度有傳染性的; prognosis 預知; nausea 反胃; vomiting 嘔吐; diarrhoea 腹瀉


ATV Main News You may revise it if you like. Thanks

回答 (1)

2006-12-29 4:08 pm
✔ 最佳答案

norovirus: 諾羅病毒

bug: 蟲. stomach bug 成句既意思係 "生長在胃裹的蟲子"

falling sick: 生病

strain: 血緣, 世系, 種, 品種, 族, 氣質, 傾向

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