Translate to English. Thanks! (10點)

2006-12-22 10:30 pm
十分多謝你對我個人的高度評價, 本人不勝感激.
在未來日子裡, 我會努力去進修英文, 以達到公司要求的水平.
最後, 我會和我們的組員盡全力發揮出合作精神, 以達到工作效率提升, 使到公司及客戶都認同我們.

回答 (5)

2006-12-22 10:59 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Thank you very much for your appraisal of my performance, I am very appreciate with it. In the up coming future, I will try my best to improve my english, reaching the company's requirement. Moreover, to identify my team with the company and clients' goal, my team members and I will try co-operate closer and closer, archiving higher performance and efficiency.
2016-11-03 4:04 pm
2006-12-23 5:49 am
I feel very grateful and am obliged for your appraising highly of my performance . I will study English very hard so as to accord with the level our company set. In addition, my team members and I will try the best to promote our working effiency thus enabling us to be awarded the recognition from customers and our company by exerting teamwork spirit .

2006-12-22 22:17:58 補充:
2nd sentence : On those days to come , I.........set .
2006-12-23 2:41 am
Thanks so much for your appreciative remark. I feel an immense gratitude to it.
In the future, I will try my utmost to pursue further English education in order to meet the required standard of the company .
Finally, my team mates and I will maintain a coorperative partnership to boost the working efficiency. We hope this can gain us trust from the company and the clients.
2006-12-22 11:40 pm
Many thanks for your very positive comments on me. I appreciate that very much. In the days to come, I will work hard to improve my English in order to meet the company's requirements. My team and I will cooperate to the best of our ability in order to demonstrate our team spirit. By doing so, we hope to increase efficiency and win the recognition of the company and our clients.
參考: Me

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