720天與時並進:MAKING MORE MONEY 標題怎譯?及聞中問字解?

2006-12-22 2:43 pm
If you live on (住在小的地方用 on?) Hong Kong Island, you could be in for expensive electricity bills 電費帳單. Hong Kong Electric plans to ask lawmakers 議員 tomorrow if 是否(可不可以用 whether?有無情況下,才可用 if 或 whether?) it can raise 提升 tariffs 費率

回答 (1)

2006-12-22 7:34 pm
✔ 最佳答案
If you live on Hong Kong Island (因為係 Island 所以用 on), you could be in for expensive electricity bills. Hong Kong Electric plans to ask lawmakers tomorrow if it can raise tariffs. (通常都用ask... if.. 如 can I ask if I can get some help from you?.. whether 都可以 HK electric plans to ask lawmakers tomorrow about whether or not it can raise tariff)

By at least three percent.. again. Those living in (地方用 in 或者 at.. 細的地方用at) in Kowloon however (不過住在九龍的那些人), can expect no additional charges on their bills next year, since, CLP Power plans to freeze its tariffs. (有冇 , 都可以解因為. 呢度放 , 是因為想強調港燈加價.. 而中電無加價的對比)

The lawmaker who revealed this today says the huge gap in tariffs for customers on the two sides of the harbour is unacceptable. (Two sides of the harbour 指香港島及九龍兩邊既人)

Making more money 解賺多D錢,書面可以寫 增加利潤 或 多賺錢 等

2006-12-27 11:23:49 補充:
ATV 重點新聞

You could be in for expensive electricity bills.

應該係.. 你有機會拿到貴的電費單。
You could be in for some great prizes.
You could be in for some lovely scenes.

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