文法問題 grammar problem

2006-12-10 5:45 am
Some of them mentioned that he was foolish as he could not think of anything to do the assignments. Some said that he should have potential to perform better, however, his supervisor got different views to him and limited his performance. Also, they got no time to finish all the assignments on time.


ex. 有的說唸唔通,覺得自己好蠢,做唔到功課<我唔想有h/she但都可以表達到意思

回答 (4)

2006-12-10 5:58 am
✔ 最佳答案
If you say "some of them", you should use they instead of he/she.

Some of them mentioned that they were stupid as they could not figure out how to do the assignments. Some said that they had the potential to perform better, however, their supervisor had different views from them and so their performance was limited. Also, they had no time to finish all the assignments on time.

2006-12-09 22:00:46 補充:
Last sentence should read:Also, they said they did not have enough time to finish all the assignments.
2006-12-10 9:34 am

此外,原句的意思雜亂,"some of them" 中的 them是指誰?句中的he又是誰?若是他不能想到如何做assignment,那麼為何他又會有potential?你句子的意思究竟是甚麼?你想表達甚麼意思?

he could not think of anything to do the assignments
-- 只有人稱可以接上do the assignments,死物anything是不能做動作的
-- 你可以用: he could not think of anything for the assignment 或 he could not figure out how to do the assignment

he should have potential
-- 缺少了個 the: he should have the potential

to have different views to him
-- 對人和事的看法是on: to have a different view on somebody/something
-- 對景物是of: to have a good view of the Victoria Harbour
-- to have different views 是指有許多不同的看法,若你說他上司覺得他不好,所以有不同的看法,那麼他上司只有一個view,而句子也要寫成to have a different view on ...
2006-12-10 8:44 am
Someone being afraid of so foolish could not think up how to do the assignments . Those some people with potential could perform the afore-said better, but got negative comments and the performance-ban from that guy- supervisor . In addition , it is impossible for those people to finish the assignments on time because of having got no time .

2006-12-10 00:53:55 補充:
按照您的要求, 此段文沒有使用任何代名詞/代名稱.( e.g. he/she/her /they/them )
2006-12-10 5:53 am
Some of them mentioned that how foolish they were as they could not think of anything to do the assignments. Some said that they should have potential to perform better.However, the supervisor got different views from them and limited their performance. Also, they could not finish all the assignments on time.

2006-12-09 21:54:43 補充:
some應該用'they'有時d 'they'係必須架..sor,幫5到你咁多

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