702天與時並進:MIXED BLESSINGS 標題怎譯?及聞中問字解?

2006-12-03 3:15 pm
The head of China’s parliament 人大 Wu Bangguo 吳邦國 is in town, and he’s been praising 稱讚 Donald Tsang’s government for leading Hong Kong into social stability 穩定 and economic prosperity 繁榮. But while 正當 the government rolled out the red carpat for the Communist Party’s 共產黨 number two leader, pro-democracy activists 活躍分子 held a rowdy (rowdy 怎解?) protest to get (get 怎解?雖淺很難理解!) his attention.

ATV Main News
You may revise it if you like. Thanks.

carpat 應是 carpet

回答 (2)

2006-12-03 7:54 pm
✔ 最佳答案
先不解釋你那個標題是什麼, 留待最後才答.

你可以將以下之英文翻譯成 :
The head of China's parliament 為 人大(應該為人大之首, 即主席/委員長是也; praising 為 稱讚; stability 為 穩定.........等, 為何不可以從字典找出 rowdy 怎解?

Rowdy (adj.) behaving in a noisy, rough way that is likely to cause arguments and fighting. 喧鬧的; 粗暴的.

所以你最後的那句應該也不難理解, 就是那些擁護民主的活躍分子以喧鬧的;粗暴的抗議來吸引的注意.

Mixed Blessings 解釋如下:
就是因為容許這種混合情況, 一面是慶祝, 另一面是抗議, 所以便是 mixed blessings (這兩字若以字面解釋是混合容許)
2006-12-06 10:48 pm
mixed blessing 混合容許......what about 譭譽參半 / 笑臉與怒目 共迎吳委員長

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