701天與時並進:MONSTER STORM 標題怎譯?及聞中問字解?

2006-12-02 5:05 am
We go first tonight to the Philippines where officials say a super 超級 typhoon has killed nearly 400 people. Another one hundred are missing. Typhoon Durian (Durian 什麼名?) is the fourth super storm 風暴 to slam 猛撞 into the Philippines in the past three months. Packing winds (Packing ?) of 225 kilometres an hour, it downed (downed 怎解?) power lines 電力纜, blocked 閉塞 roads and caused 引致 millions of dollars in damage,

ATV Main News
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回答 (2)

2006-12-02 8:14 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Monsster Storm 指惡魔風暴
Durian 是榴槤,一種水果
Packing winds 強烈疾風
downed在這裡作動詞,it downed power lines 指整跌啲供電纜/弄停了供電系統。
2006-12-02 6:52 am
Durian 什麼名?===== 榴槤
Packing ?===== Sorry! I don't know too
downed 怎解?===== shut down

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