change english please

2006-12-01 8:13 am


29/11 寫程式
30/11 做報告
01/12 口頭報告

因為家中沒有所需程式.. 要留在校中完成功課

終於問題都解決了 ^^

回答 (2)

2006-12-01 4:58 pm
Group member list
29/11 writing progamme
30/11 doing report
01/12 verbal report

This is the first time doing report in such format so we used a lot of time to digest and understand the information. And also, we need to stay in school to finish the assignment because we dont have the progamme we needed at home.
This is the first time doing such format of report.
We did not understand how to start at the beginning.
However, after all the discussions and sharing the work,
we finallly solved all the problem.
If we have a report with simliar setting next time, i think we can handle it easily.

hope this can help u, gd luck on your project.
參考: myself
2006-12-01 9:20 am
Programming Project --- Happy Meal
[Group Members List ]
[Programming Schedule ]
29/11 Program -writing
30/11 Report-writing (Group Presentation )
01/12 Verbal Reporting

[Difficulties--facing ]

It is required for us to finish this project at school because no programming language or software package are available at home . It is the first time for us to spend much time in understanding how to tackle such a project .

[Thinking and Discussion ]

It is the first time for us to do such a project . At the beginning , we do not know how to tackle it . But after repeated discussions and collocations , we have finally competed the project by solving all the problems . We believe that we are able to finish such a project next time .

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