"Why do women always say one thing when they actually mean something else?"?

2006-12-01 5:37 am

回答 (10)

2006-12-01 6:00 am
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Just another part of the puzzle. women expect men to know what they're feeling, thinking, and saying, even if nothing is said at all. it's a test.

If you know that she means something else, and you happen to know what that something else is, operate from that vantage point. Don't play dumb or be obtuse, because that loses you points.

Why did you put your question in quotes? Are you mocking me?
2006-12-01 5:42 am
i figure guys do it more often than girls nowadays.
2006-12-01 7:11 am
Its our nature. That's why we are females. BTW we also expect you to read our minds.
2006-12-01 6:19 am
Do women really say one thing and mean another ? or is that just how you feel ? Maybe you just don't understand the way women communicate. Try listening with your heart and not just your ears, I bet you'll hear what they are really saying. Watch their body language too.
2006-12-01 5:45 am
i guess were insecure get used to it [[:
2006-12-01 5:43 am
Depends on the situation. If its love then you know why they dont know why they love you but if its something simple....To protect themselves
2006-12-01 5:39 am
To have an effect on you.
2006-12-01 5:39 am
Because not all of us are that cryptic. But some guys hurt us. We devise ways (subconsciously) to protect ourselves. Sorry.
2006-12-01 5:39 am
because we expect men to read our minds :)
2006-12-01 5:43 am
i don't know. i am not that kinda gal. i usually say what's on my mind...so i can never be with someone like that even as a friend....

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